Character. Commitment. Compassion


I have been helping my clients identify and pursue their financial goals since 2003 by working closely with them to ensure they understand the plans selected, which are based on their unique and specific needs. It is this connection that I believe also builds strong personal relationships, that enable effective communication as we work toward client goals being met.
I feel that my finest work is with those undergoing or seeking change.  Uncertainty is a part of life.  It is my job to help my clients navigate through all the “noise” and make informed financial decisions.
I believe many of my clients work with me because I look them in the eye, listen to their concerns, and talk with them about how we might work together toward their goals.  Your initial consultation with me is at no charge or obligation.   My commitment to you is that I will help you understand what you have, while learning about you and your goals, and will use my knowledge and resources to prepare recommendations that are best suited to you.
I work with local tax and legal professionals to put together a comprehensive plan that takes your tax and estate planning needs into consideration.  If you already have these professional relationships in place, I am happy to coordinate with your accountant and/or attorney so we are all working together on your behalf.

Wealth Management with Commitment, Character, and Compassion

❖ Commitment to helping you, our clients, pursue your financial goals.
❖ Character - How can our clients' best benefit from our tools and expertise?
❖ Compassion for you and your family, your unique situation
Anyone who knows me knows one of my passions is educating and empowering women to make informed financial decisions.  It is widely stated that 90% of women will be solely responsible for their finances (and/or the finances of their loved ones) at some point in their lives.  I meet widows, divorced women, unmarried adult women all the time who need direction.  I have compassion for their situations and want to help.


Community involvement is important to me.  Currently, I am a member of the Sturges-Young Center for the Arts Executive Board, Kalamazoo Women2Women, and Whole Life Church in Sturgis.  I enjoy a full personal life, too, especially being married to my wonderful husband Mark.  Our family includes three children and their significant others, eight grandchildren, and a pack of much-loved dogs!

If you find yourself exasperated by financial services firms forcing you into products and fee structures that serve their own bottom line more than your best interest, maybe it is time for a second opinion.  Call 269-651-1060 today for a no obligation initial consultation.  There is no cost for the initial meeting, and all fees will be disclosed prior to the engagement of services.